Sep 19, 2017 21:00 JST

Source: CropLife Asia

CropLife Asia Rejects Thai Pesticide Alert Network "Misinformation"; Calls on Stakeholders to put Thailand Farmers First

BANGKOK, Sep 19, 2017 - (ACN Newswire) - In the wake of the Thailand Pesticide Alert Network's (Thai PAN) continued efforts to limit farmer access to safe and effective crop protection, CropLife Asia issued the following statement from Executive Director Dr. Siang Hee Tan:

"Thailand Farmers are facing enormous challenges. They're being asked to grow more food to feed more people with fewer resources and less impact on the environment. That's a tall order.

"As stakeholders in the food value chain, we have a responsibility to help ensure the farmers in Thailand and the region are empowered and enabled to meet these challenges, produce the crops that feed our region and world, and realize a better life for themselves and their families in the process. That's not a sole responsibility, it's a shared one.

"We are deeply disappointed in Thai PAN's decision to continue favoring fiction over fact, and failing to put Thailand Farmers first.

"Last month, Thailand Farmers from all over the nation spoke clearly, strongly and with one voice to ask for more access to crop protection technology - not less. The 21st Century challenges of battling climate change and increased droughts, floods, pests, weeds and disease require 21st Century tools; this includes the responsible use of safe, effective and innovative crop protection technology.

"Ultimately, denying Thailand Farmers access to safe and effective tools in the toolbox does damage to their competitiveness as well as that of the nation's economy.

"CropLife Asia is proud of its long-standing partnership and shared commitment with the Government of Thailand to ensure a sustainable, safe and secure national food supply. We certainly hope our Government partners and all stakeholders will recognize the fictional foundation of Thai PAN's misinformation, consider the science behind the safe and effective crop protection products being reviewed, and put Thailand Farmers first.

"We remain committed to supporting the farmers of Thailand, and look forward to continuing and growing the collective efforts and dialogue among all stakeholders to do just that."

Duke Hipp
Director, Public Affairs
CropLife Asia
Tel: +65 6221 1615

James Best
ABM Connect
+66 2252 9871
Source: CropLife Asia
Sectors: Agritech, Food & Beverage

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